While the #metoo movement has focused attention on the problem of sexual harrassment in the workplace, forcing companies to take the issue more seriously, it can still take courage to file a report …

A number of companies are now turning to apps to make the process easier for employees, reports the WSJ.

The app introduces a neutral third-party into the equation, which can provide advice and assist employees to file a formal report if they choose to do so. That advice is, says Bravely, tailored to the company.

Bravely co-founders Toby Hervey and Sarah Sheehan say [they have] signed dozens of companies representing thousands of employees onto the app, said Mr. Hervey.

Employees also have the option of filing a report anonymously. This makes it harder to act on, but can draw a company’s attention to patterns of behavior.

Other apps, like tEQuitable, don’t offer reporting, but do offer access to legal advice and resources.

If you’ve experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you can find advice on what to do via the Time’s Up website. The organization also offers subsidized legal support to victims.

Some 61 percent of South Korean respondents working at private companies said they would bypass in-house whistleblower hotlines, saying they didn’t trust their organization to keep complaints confidential, according to a survey by consulting firm EY. That was significantly higher than the Asia-Pacific average of 37 percent.

Instead, South Koreans are turning to Blind, which now has over a million users in the world’s most wired country.