
There’s been no shortage of debate regarding Apple’s latest holiday commercial as some have found it inspiring and emotional as others find it ridiculous and lacking a clear message. There will be debate in the coming weeks over Apple’s intentions with the message and whether or not they succeeded in tugging at our heartstrings. That being said, Apple looks like a gem, an angel, a bright light on a dark road compared to Nokia’s newest ad for the Lumia 2520. It’s true that Apple may have paused its traditional product-first advertising angle and replaced it with an arguably emotional holiday spot for the iPhone 5s, but it works leaps and bounds better than Nokia’s latest embarrassing excuse for advertising.

So here’s where I’ll warn you not to watch the commercial but ask you to do so anyway. Ok, now that you’ve managed to lose two minutes and 13 seconds of your life that you’ll never get back, can we all agree that Apple’s latest ad is amazing, inspiring and fantastic?

Microsoft and Nokia need to fire and I mean fire immediately every single marketing partner they have, both US and internationally. This is the most inane, ridiculous marketing spot I have ever seen. Somehow a guy touches a tablet and grows a mullet? How this makes me want to buy the Lumia 2520 instead of running from it like Rick runs from his leadership role on the Walking Dead is beyond comprehension.

That’s it, I’m dropping the mic and walking out of the room and reminding everyone the world over that while Apple’s latest ad may be imperfect depending on your interpretation, it’s a world apart from Nokia and we should be incredibly thankful for that.
