Earlier this year we reported that Apple had ordered a record number of iPhone 6 units for the upcoming launch of the next-gen device. According to TechCrunch, the number of devices being shipped from China is so high that Apple is actually causing shipping delays for other companies.

Just how bad are the delays? According to a source from one unnamed electronics manufacturer, some companies have been told they’ll miss their shipping deadlines because a certain high-priority customer has essentially taken over the shipping channels.

This type of thing has happened to Apple before, sometimes intentionally. The launch of products like the iMac G3 and iPod previously prompted the company to purchase all available shipping space to ensure timely deliveries and maximum stock for customers, leading competitors in the same situation.

Apple is planning to announce the iPhone 6 in two variants next week, with recent rumors indicating that an iPad upgrade may also be in the works. While a smart watch is expected to be shown off during the event, it isn’t expected to ship until early 2015, so it seems unlikely that this is one of the devices causing so much trouble for Apple’s competitors.