Religions and faith play a really important role in Crusader Kings 3. When it comes to religions, a person’s faith and area pretty much influence which religion you’ll fall into. Faith in Crusader Kings 3 influences how players can gain certain resources and Religion will influence marriage doctrines, criminal doctrines, any other special doctrines, and how your clergy works.

In our guide below, we’ll run down through the list of all Religions and Faith in Crusader Kings 3. The list of Religions and Faith in Crusader Kings 3 extends as a pretty long one as there around 100 religions in the game. So without making much delay, we’ll jump straight into the complete list of Faith and Religions in Crusader Kings 3.

Complete List of Faith and Religions in Crusader Kings 3

The characters in the game fall into a certain religion by default. Like we already said, the area plays a petty important role in influencing the religion you fall into. This means that Europe is mostly Christian and Pagan, the Middle East and Northern Africa mostly being Islamic, and the East adds up as a mixture of Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. Each religion in the game roots from one of the three religious families – Abrahamic, Eastern, and Pegan. With the basics out of the way, we’ll look right into our list of Religions and faith in the game:

  • Akom – Akan
  • Vidilism – Baltic
  • Nangchos – Buddist
  • Mahayana – Buddist
  • Vajarayana – Buddist
  • Theravada – Buddist
  • Ari – Buddist
  • Catholicism – Christian
  • Orthodoxy – Christian
  • Coptic – Christian
  • Nestorianism – Christian
  • Apostolic – Christian
  • Bogomilism – Christian
  • Insular Christianity – Christian
  • Krstjani – Christian
  • Catharism – Christian
  • Conversos – Christian
  • Waldensianism – Christian
  • Lollardu – Christian
  • Iconoclasm – Christian
  • Paulicianism – Christian
  • Messalianism – Christian
  • Adamitism – Christian
  • Manicheanism – Dualist
  • Mandeaism – Dualist
  • Sabianism – Dualist
  • Valentinianism – Dualist
  • Sethianism – Dualist
  • Priscillianism – Dualist
  • Cainitism – Dualist
  • Suomenusko – Finno-Ugric
  • Hellenism – Greco-Roman
  • Bori – Hausan
  • Shaivism – Hindu
  • Srikula Shaktism – Hindu
  • Vaishnavism – Hindu
  • Smartism – Hindu
  • Krishnaism – Hindu
  • Kalikula Shaktism – Hindu
  • Advaita Vedanta – Hindu
  • Vvluphixje – Hsexje
  • Melie – Hsexje
  • Digambara – Jain
  • Svetambara – Jain
  • Yapaniya – Jain
  • Kabarism – Jewish
  • Haymanot – Jewish
  • Rabbinism – Jewish
  • Karaism – Jewish
  • Malabarism – Jewish
  • Samaritanism – Jewish
  • Kushitism – Kordofanian
  • Siguism – Mande
  • Bidaism – Mande
  • Yazidism – Milete
  • Meshefaresism – Milete
  • Kitebacilweism – Milete
  • Kiratism – Mundhum
  • Yumaism – Mundhum
  • Ash’arism – Muslim
  • Isma’ilism – Muslim
  • Muwalladism – Muslim
  • Maturidism – Muslim
  • Ibadism – Muslim
  • Almohadism – Muslim
  • Zayidism – Muslim
  • Sufrism – Muslim
  • Mu’tazilism – Muslim
  • Quranism – Muslim
  • Qarmantianism – Muslim
  • Nizarism – Muslim
  • Imamism – Muslim
  • Ikhtilafism – Muslim
  • Alawism – Muslim
  • Alevism – Muslim
  • Druze – Muslim
  • Azraqism – Muslim
  • Najdatism – Muslim
  • Asatru – Norse
  • Waaqism – Oromo-Somali
  • Paganism – Pagan
  • Roog Sene – Senegambian
  • Tengrilism – Shamanic
  • Slovianska Pravda – Slavic
  • Donyi-Poloism – Tani
  • Sedism – Tani
  • Zhengyi – Taoist
  • Shangqing – Taoist
  • Quanzhen – Taoist
  • Gyur Bon – Tibetan
  • Khyarwe Bon – Tibetan
  • Taitosism – Uralic
  • Orisa – Youruba
  • Mazdayasna – Zoroastrian
  • Zurvanism – Zoroastrian
  • Gayomarthianism – Zoroastrian
  • Khurmazdism – Zoroastrian
  • Mazdakism – Zoroastrian
  • Khurramism – Zoroastrian
  • Arewordik – Zoroastrian
  • Zunism – Zunbil

As evident from the list above, Crusader Kings 3 contains a total of 101 Religions in the game, each having its own class of faith. There are other complicated elements that fall into religions and faith like Modifiers, which you’ll understand by playing the game. That said, we hope reading the article above has equipped you with some bit of information. Please let us know by commenting down below if you have any further queries regarding the same.

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