During the week of the giveaway we received some great comments and even a video so it’s now my pleasure to announce the winners! The top two winners were handpicked for their groovy comments on the giveaway page, the other 3 were chosen at random from the Twitter/Facebook/Comments feed.

Winners from our Comments!


Winners from our Twitter and Facebook Feed!

Sue JespersenEddie GearGouthaman Karunakaran

We had a lot of really great comments, stories and tweets but unfortunately, I only have 5 licenses to give away this time. For those of you who’ve won, grooveDexter and I have sent out a few emails and tweets to you so please respond back quickly so we can shoot you the product keys.  If we can’t get a response back from you by 4/12 we will pick another groovyReader. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you for participating in our first groovyPost Giveaway.  We have quite a few more lined up and in the coming weeks so stay tuned! May b i’ll win next time. Thanks, Grr Comment