Developer Josh Holtz today announced a new iOS app called ConnecKit, which promises to be a powerful tool for developers. ConnectKit uses the App Store Connect API keys to let developers integrate Apple’s platform with the Shortcuts app and also iOS widgets.

When you open the app for the first time, ConnectKit will guide you to add the API keys that you can get from your Developer Account within the App Store Connect. This basically consists of generating a certificate and entering your credentials in the app, and then you’re ready to go.

With the app configured, developers can access multiple information from their uploaded apps, including sales reports, TestFlight management, and even submit an app for review using Siri. All this data can be used to create smart and interactive Shortcuts.

Thanks to the new iOS 14 APIs, ConnectKit also offers some interesting home screen widgets. You can track download numbers, current status, and even how many beta testers you have subscribed to a specific app through TestFlight.

ConnectKit allows for endless possibilities of automation querying and updating information from App Store Connect. ConnectKit takes the API Key and uses it to make a JSON Web Token (JWT), which is used for authorizing requests to the App Store Connect API.

ConnectKit is available for free on the App Store; however, most features are available exclusively in the premium version — which you can unlock by sending a $1.99 to $5.99 in-app tip to the developer.