The European Union has called on Apple to remove from the App Store contact tracing apps that don’t have appropriate privacy safeguards. Google should do the same with the Play Store, it says, stating that fighting the coronavirus must not mean sacrificing the rights of citizens.

It has previously called for a common standard across all 27 countries in the union and hinted – though not confirmed – that it will use the Apple/Google API …

The European Commission, which proposes laws to be adopted by the EU, stressed that privacy was fundamental.

It says that Apple and Google should actively remove contact tracing apps that fail to meet these standards.

On preventing the spread of harmful or unlawful apps the document suggests Member States consider setting up a national system of evaluation/accreditation endorsement of national apps, perhaps based on a common set of criteria (that would need to be defined).

“A close cooperation between health and digital authorities should be sought whenever possible for the evaluation/endorsement of the apps,” it writes.

The document references the Apple/Google API, but implies a worryingly slow decision-making process.

Getting buy-in from the EU is only one part of the puzzle: once the apps exist, consumers will need to be persuaded to install and use them. We’ve argued that there is a lot of work to be done in spelling out the privacy protections offered by the joint API.