Apple has long stressed its strong commitment to user privacy, and we mentioned in passing a couple of days ago that it had refreshed its privacy page with a new look and updated information.

The company is clearly keen to draw attention to the updated page, with both Tim Cook and Phil Schiller tweeting links to it …

Although the actual copy in the original page was written in relatively friendly language, the bland page design and somewhat formal wording in places gave it something of the look and feel of a legal document.

The new version, in contrast, looks much more like an Apple product page. It has a blurred background, punchier copy and much more of a marketing feel to it.

It stresses the security of Touch ID (something we can expect to see updated to cover Face ID too once the iPhone X goes on sale), the fact that Apple never makes your data available to other organizations, the security of your card details when using Apple Pay, the use of Differential Privacy, encrypted messaging and the way that apps are required to ask permission for access to your personal data.

At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right.

And so much of your personal information — information you have a right to keep private — lives on your Apple devices.

Your heart rate after a run. Which news stories you read first. Where you bought your last coffee. What websites you visit. Who you call, email, or message.

Every Apple product is designed from the ground up to protect that information. And to empower you to choose what you share and with whom.

We’ve proved time and again that great experiences don’t have to come at the expense of your privacy and security. Instead, they can support them.

Links from the main page now go into more detail about specific elements of Apple’s approach. Apple has also recently updated its privacy policy, which explains what data it collects and how that data is used.

Predictably, it wasn’t long before the tweets attracted challenges, one pointing to a recently-revealed Keychain vulnerability, while others were supportive of Apple’s efforts. Apple has also recently come under fire for lack of transparency and claimed privacy risks in the way it applies differential privacy.