[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/1562944 w=400&h=225]

As you’ll have seen, Open Clip’s solution is simple, workable and supported: essentially it saves copy you select within an area of the iPhone’s memory which can then be accessed by other apps using the Open Clip framework. And the roll call of developers planning to use and support the solution includes: Dial Zero, Twittelator, WordPress, Cocktail, Ultralingua and more.  We reckon many more developers will want to get involved in the project, unless Apple offers users a definitive road map for copy and paste support. We hate it that we need to memorise a story before publishing it to this blog, for example, and lack of such support is bound to cost Apple sales. “While just an interim fix until Apple adopts a system-wide version, OpenClip hopes to add to the iPhone user-experience and provide a working case-study for Apple, hopefully allowing them to roll-out their version more quickly,” the open source developers explained on their website. Via: Electric Pig.