The cost of owning a lazy river depends on many different factors, ranging from the cost of its construction to its maintenance. The size of the river decides its cost. An 18ft by 30ft river can cost you $9k-$11k, but as the size increases, its prices can go up to $100k. A 50ft by 100ft river can cost you $80k -$88k, depending on if you install pumps with it for water current or just construct a standard pool.

Other expenses to keep in mind

The biggest drawback of owning pools is managing the monthly expenses of their maintenance. A larger pool requires more maintenance hence a large budget. Standard lazy river will cost you $1000 a month for keeping it nice and clean. The maintenance cost for a lazy river is much more than that of traditional pools. That is because of the pumps and pressure valves that need to be installed for constant water flow. A larger pool requires much stronger pumps adding to the electricity bill. In addition to that, the cleaning of the pool can be an expensive task; the cost of chlorine and hiring a cleaning staff can add up.  

Monthly expenses can vary considering the design of the lazy river. When it comes to the lazy river, there is no limit to the features you can add to them, but none of these designs are inexpensive. If you want an island oasis surrounded by a lazy river, you need to consider the cost of extra construction. Moreover, building a high-land area between a pool requires an excessive amount of waterproofing and lining costs.

Waterfalls are a common and most liked feature of lazy rivers. You can pair it with a beautiful extension such as a grotto or cave to give it a tropical vibe. A waterfall might not cost you as much as an island, but you will need to add extra pumps to create a waterfall or maybe even need to elevate the ground. 

How can I save money?

You can save a valuable amount of your money just by hiring the right construction company. Some companies will charge you extra as they keep their profit and buy expensive construction material. It is always beneficial to research which company you should hire. You should read their terms and conditions very carefully before selecting a company.

Some companies offer deals based on the size of the project and the money the customer is willing to pay. If you want a small pool you don’t have to hire a popular company, a local company can do your job. You can choose the best company by the shortlisting method, making a list of the companies and then rating them according to their service cost, techniques, expertise, and material.

 You can choose to build your pool with reliable and expensive materials if you want a long-term money-saving plan. The repairing cost of pool accessories every year or so can cost you more annually than having to change after every four years.

As maintenance costs can be heavy on your pocket, an alternative way is to clean your pool yourself. This way can save up the price of hiring the staff. Cleaning a lazy river can be a difficult and timely activity, but if you have the help of your friends and family, it can get a lot easier. Make sure you and your family take a workshop on “how to clean a pool”, so it goes smoothly and safely

If the cost is still more than your budget, you can simply build a standard pool rather than a lavish lazy river. A lazy river is not significantly different than a normal swimming pool. A lazy river just has a luxurious touch to it with a unique design that attracts people. Cutting off the accessories can save a healthy amount of money while providing you with a relaxing pool to enjoy leisure time.

Investing in a lazy river

If you are thinking about building a lazy river by spending thousands of dollars, you might as well earn money from it. The innovative design of lazy rivers attracts many visitors and this is the reason why many hotels and resorts install them. 

In order to profit from the money you spent on the pool, you can turn it into a business. You can construct a hotel around your pool or turn it into a waterpark by adding a water slide. You can charge the customers with some entrance fee and run your restaurant by the customers this pool brings in.

You can name your waterpark or restaurant to make it authentic and publicize it in your local newspaper or social media. This will help generate a larger revenue faster.

Frequently asked questions

How can I build a lazy river if I do not have a budget?

Building a lazy river from scratch can be very expensive, even if you think you can manage it, the material costs add up. If you are unable to fully finance your pool, you can work with different finance companies. They offer various options that help you manage the cost of building your pool such as cashback and debts. 

 For example, sunshine fun company, they are local financing lenders that offer a $250 per month payment.

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