Piston rings are circular metal objects fixed around the piston in the combustion chamber of a car and serve as a seal between the piston and the cylinder wall to keep the oil level and pressure regulated. Changing them when they become bad is around $75 to $30, although it might be more or less depending on some factors. These factors include your location, car type, and others discussed in the next paragraphs. Without further ado, let’s look at the factors that can affect the price of piston rings in the US.

Factors That Affect Price Of Piston Rings

The following are factors that can determine the cost of replacing piston rings.

The pricing system of the mechanic: The method used by your mechanic to charge for his service can either increase or decrease the cost of replacing piston rings. The cost can depend on the working hour, type of car, and provision of extra services that will affect the price of replacing piston rings.   The kind of car: The model of the car you are replacing its piston rings will also affect the service cost since bigger and old model cars might cost you more compared to the smaller and new models. However, this might not be the case for all cars.  The price of the piston rings: Prices of piston rings differ with quality; therefore, it will cost more to get and replace your old piston rings with a better one.  

The store purchased from: The price of piston rings also differs with stores, and it might be cheaper in one mechanic store than the other. You can compare the price of every available store to choose the one you can afford.

Extra services: The cost of replacing piston rings can also be affected when the mechanic has to repair some other faults in the car discovered during the replacement. The mechanic will charge these services with the piston replacement fee.  

Companies That Replace Piston Rings In The Us

Although it will be easier to find a mechanic shop around you on Google Maps, here are some companies that provide piston rings replacement service in the US to ensure you can always locate one with or without your phone:

Cook Compression Service: This international company provides piston repairs, including piston ring replacement, in North America (US), Europe (UK), and China. The company specializes in repairing any piston and rod problem you face with your machines and vehicles and is located in Houston, Texas.

Car BodyWorx Engineering Services: This Company provides piston ring repair and maintenance services in several countries worldwide. Its technicians are good and will get the work done in minutes. You can find the company at 41 Smith Clove Rd, Central Valley, New York, United States.

US Chrome Repair Service: This piston replacement company focuses on bikes and provides piston replacement for any kind of bike, including dirt and sport bikes. Anyone can trust the work of the experts in the company, and you can find out about the company by visiting 650 Oak Park Ave. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

Millennium Technologies Advanced Engine Solution: The company provides cylinder restoration and repair services and should be able to replace your piston rings when you visit their shop at 1404 Pilgrim Road Plymouth, Wisconsin, USA.


On most occasions, it is almost certain the mechanic will replace the piston rings of your car during a car service or when it develops a problem. You can also try doing it yourself if you can easily understand a repair manual; you shouldn’t do this because of the stress and technicality needed.

The amount a mechanic would charge you is nothing compared to the stress you would experience when changing the piston rings yourself. 

How long does it take to repair piston rings?

The time taken to repair piston rings depends on many factors but can take up to 8 to 24 hours.  

What is the common price for piston ring replacement?

Replacement of piston rings costs between $75 and $300 on average.

Is it possible to change both the piston and rings?

Yes, it is possible to change both the piston and rings if you need to do so when your car develops a fault.

Does my car determine the piston rings’ price?

Yes, the model of the car you use can determine the price of the piston rings and the replacement fee.