Yes, Costco does offer a price adjustment policy, wherein you can keep track of the item you have recently purchased for 30 days. If the price of the item drops within this period, then bravo! You are liable to make use of Costco’s price adjustment policy. However, there are certain terms and conditions that you need to bear in mind. You can only ask for a price adjustment at Costco within 30 days of purchasing the item, and you must have the price receipt and proof of the price drop of the same item.

What Is Costco’s Price Adjustment Policy?

Before looking at the refund process at Costco, it is imperative to first know all the instructions of Costco’s price adjustment policy!

Identical, not Similar: You can only ask for a price drop refund for identical items; similar items will not qualify. So, make sure that the brand and the model number of the products are the same. Duration: the 30 days time limit is fairly common across all stores, and is something that Costco follows as well! This implies that you can only claim the price drop refund if you request it within 30 days of the original purchase. Although some customers claim that you can still go for it even if you have crossed the deadline, the chances of your request being rejected become high. Exceptions: There is no surprise that there are always exceptions to any store’s policies. So, when it comes to Costco, you must know that there are certain items on which the price adjustment policy does not work. These are alcohol and cigarettes. Besides this, the policy is also not applicable when the store has a sale. In addition to this, when you buy their products online, you cannot avail of their price adjustment policy based on the price of an identical product that you see in the store. The prices of products displayed online and at the store varies, so the policy does not apply in that condition.

Costco Price Drop Refund: What Is The Online Procedure?

It is understandable- sometimes, going to the store becomes too much of a task! So, on days where you do not feel like interacting with anyone, let alone a stranger, you can always go for the online procedures. 

First and foremost, to get the price drop refund at Costco, you need to fill out an online form available on their official website or contact their customer service at 1-800-774-2678. Once you are done with the form, you will have to wait for them to accept your request.  Getting your request approved means that you are now liable to receive the refund to your bank account. To receive the refund, you will have to wait for 5-6 business days. If it is way past this, then contact their customer service.

Costco Price Drop Refund: What Is The In-Store Procedure?

Now that you know what the online procedure looks like, you must be wondering what the in-store procedure is like. So, if you feel that you will probably go to the store to get your refund in such a situation, then read ahead to find out more!

To get your refund through the price adjustment policy at Costco, you need to first make sure that you have the original product intact and its price receipt. However, even if you don’t have the receipt, you can ask the employee to check their records. Further, you need to have proof that the price of the same, identical product has dropped within the next 30 days of you purchasing it earlier. Once you show all the required things, Costco will make the payment in the form you did to purchase the original product. However, since not all store policies are the same, you can request a different form of payment. If you have asked them to give you the refund via credit or debit card, you can rest assured that you will receive the payment within 5-7 business days. If it takes more time, be sure to contact the store!


Yes, Costco does have a price adjustment policy which means Costco does provide a price drop refund! All you have to do is keep an eye out for the item you have purchased for 30 days. And if you see a price drop on it, then bravo! You can avail of Costco’s price drop refund. In addition to this, since it is also vital to know the procedure, be it online or offline, you can go through it again!

How can I get proof of a price drop?

You can click a picture. If it’s on their website, then you can show them on the spot.

Can I request a price drop refund on alcohol?

No, alcohol and cigarettes are an exception to the policy.