Services provided by the hotel to you

Country Inn and Suites try to provide you the best services that you can feel  at home at a hotel. The list is given below-

You can enjoy the free Wi-Fi there You don’t have to face network issue there, hotel provide you with internet service You does not need to climb the stairs because you use the elevatorYou can enjoy free breakfast also because the hotel provide free breakfast to its guestsYou can Take your pets with you but you have to inform the hotel in advanceIf you are a fitness lovers so you will be happy to see their fitness centerYou can do two things at a time, which means you can do your business meeting, hotel can arrange meeting rooms for youYou does not need to worry about parking and the hotel provides free parking but this is limited You will never be bored there, you can see television and enjoy some activities provide by the hotelYou does not need to worry about laundry because they provide laundry and dry cleaning facilities There are also wheelchair facilities, etc. Country Inn and Suites understand you and your concern for your family and your pets. Hotels try to provide the best hospitality and welcome with a warm heart.

Country Inn and Suites pet policy or rules

Country Inn and Suites animal friendly hotel and its feel your love for your pet that’s why it’s welcome you with your beloved pets but you have to follow some rules so that you and your beloved pets would not suffer. Rules that you need to follow-The first rule, you have to inform the hotel management in advance that you will come with your pet and get approval from the hotel in advance. You can’t take your pets without the hotel management permission. There are some restrictions that you have to follow. Your beloved pets should be under 30kgs. If your pets are more than 30kgs, it will be better if you inform them in advance so that the hotel management can find a better solution. Only one pet is allowed per room, if you want to take more than one pet, maybe you have to book more than one room. Only dogs allowed who are not aggressive, some hotels cats and birds in the cage also allow but you have to confirm it in advance to the hotel management. You have to pay in advance. $50-$75 per pet and per stay, these are approximately the amount. The amount may be above or below.  If you want any kind of special food for your pets, you need to inform them in advance and the charges will be paid by you. You can’t Take your pet with you in restaurants, banquets and spas but there some special areas are made for pets. Your pet should be controlled and calm all the time. If your pets damage the hotel’s property, in case you have to pay. Your pet should be in a cage or you have to stay with your pets all the time. You have to stay with your pets when your room is cleaned by staff and when you call the service provider and any servant. It is compulsory.

Frequently asked questions

Question- Can you Take your pet without permission?

Answer- No, you have to inform in advance.

Question- What will happen if you catch up with your pet?

Answer- It will not be a good situation. Maybe you have to pay penalty charges and check out from the hotel.

Question- Is every Country Inn and Suites allow pets?

Answer- No, Some allow only dogs and some allow cats and birds with a cage. You need to confirm in advance.


Country Inn and Suites is one of the best animal-friendly hotels. It’s good for you and your pets. The hotel provides grassy pet relief areas for your pet. Their employees are friendly. But you have to inform the hotel in advance and follow all the rules made by hotel management.