Tragically, he was shot and killed by Russian soldiers in Irpin, a suburb of Kyiv, on Sunday, as per Kyiv’s police boss, Andriy Nebytov.

As indicated by sources, he was only 50 years of age at the hour of his unforeseen passing.

The New York Times’ representative overseeing supervisor, Cliff Levy, expressed the distribution was “profoundly lamented” by his misfortune, however that he was not on task for the paper at that point, regardless of having recently worked for it.

New York Times: Craig Renaud Brother Brent Renaud Killed In Ukraine Mr Brent Renaud was with two different columnists who were shot and moved to a medical clinic in Kyiv, as per Mr. Nebytov.

Be that as it may, the personality of the other two writers has not been uncovered so it’s indistinct what their identity is.

Andriy Nebytov, the police head of Kyiv, said he had been designated by Russian powers. Two additional writers were harmed and needed to go to the clinic.

It’s whenever an unfamiliar writer first detailing the contention in Ukraine has been killed.

Craig Renaud And Brent Renaud Wikipedia Discussing Mr. Brent Renaud’s Wikipedia, he by and large worked together with his brother, Craig Renaud.

Throughout the long term, the brothers have worked in an assortment of war and emergency zones, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Libya.

They were recording with the US Army in Iraq in 2004 when a rocket attack killed four soldiers and gravely harmed two others at an American army base close to Baghdad.

As a matter of fact, they’ve gotten a few honors for their work, including a Peabody Award for a series they created for VICE News on a Chicago school for grieved young people. They’ve likewise been assigned for various Emmys.

They dwell and work in New York City and Little Rock, Arkansas, as per their site.

Why They Killed Brent Renaud: What Happened? Renaud has revealed from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Haiti to an assortment of US news associations.

— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 13, 2022

As indicated by CBS News, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the US could force “legitimate punishments” on Russia over Renaud’s homicide.

Oleksiy Kuleba, Kyiv’s senior local chairman, guaranteed Russian powers appeared to endeavor to barricade and immobilize Kyiv by assaulting suburbia at the entire hours of the constantly.

He said that Russian covert operatives were exploring possible future focuses in the city.