The comedy show Crank Yankers is getting the revival treatment at Comedy Central. With a number of TV shows and cartoons being brought back through revivals lately (from fan favorites such as Veronica Mars to more cult-favorite products such as Celebrity Deathmatch) the entertainment industry seems to have found a way to bring “new” content without risking much - in most cases, at least.

The latest title getting a revival is a surprise to most and a major throwback for others: Crank Yankers. For those who didn’t go through the Crank Yankers experience during its original run, it was a comedy show that featured real prank calls re-enacted by puppets to enhance the comedy. Among those who guest-starred in the show are Tracy Morgan, Sarah Silverman, and Seth Green. Now, the show is coming back to play pranks beyond phone calls.

Comedy Central announced the revival of Crank Yankers with a 20-episode series order from the series’ original creators Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla, and Daniel Kellison. Jonathan Kimmel is on board as showrunner as well as executive producer along with Carolla, Kellison, and his brother Jimmy. The project is the very first in line at Kimmel’s production company Kimmelot.

The original Crank Yankers was all about prank calls, and that will continue to be the core of the show, but with a few digital updates to reach a new audience. The pranks will now take place on phones, social media, e-sport platforms, and more. Jimmy Kimmel shared:

Crank Yankers premiered in 2002 on Comedy Central and was brought back in 2007 on MTV2. The show aired four seasons with a total of 70 episodes, and while some people were (understandably) repelled by it, others found it (and its colorful characters) quite entertaining. Characters like Special Ed, Gladys Murphy, and Spoonie Luv are inevitably engraved in the memories of those who watched the show.

“Crank Yankers has always been my favorite show to make. Nothing is more fun or makes me laugh harder than a great crank call and I am thrilled that Comedy Central asked us to do it again. At this time, I would like to ask all Americans to disable their caller ID. Thank you”.

It’s still unknown if any of the show’s regular performers and their characters will be back or if the revival will bring a new batch of very peculiar characters. If some of the originals come back, it’s going to be interesting to see how they adapt to these new ways of communication in the digital era. Crank Yankers doesn’t have a tentative release date yet, so keep an eye out for that if you are looking forward to the return of the “world’s favorite profane puppets."

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Source: Variety